Children and Families

Planting seeds and nourishing saplings

Our children and families ministry seeks to grow disciples who love Jesus by supporting families and their children age 0-12. We seek to equip those who have a significant position in children’s lives and provide a start in discipleship by planting seeds in the hearts of our children, teaching them the truths of the bible.

Sunday Morning

On a Sunday morning there is children’s provision for age 0 to primary 7. Our creche is available every week as well as our various Sunday school groups where the children have fun exploring the bible and praying together. Every few weeks our Kids worship sessions take place where the children join together to sing and explore what it means to worship God.

The morning service begins at 10:30am where all children are welcome to sit at the front together with our Sunday group leaders. After spending a short time with the congregation the children can then join their appropriate groups before returning for the end of the service.

If you are new to the church please ask any of our staff members who can direct you to the children and families team! Find their names and faces here: About Us > Meet the Team.

Townhead Toddlers

Townhead Toddlers provides a valuable space for parents, grandparents and carers to meet together with their infants (from birth – 3 years) for a time of play, snack, song and chat.

This group meets during the school term on a Tuesday and Friday from 9:45am till 11:15am in the large hall. There is a charge of £15 per term. Due to current demand we are operating a waiting list. If you would like to be added to this list please email or call Irene Woods on 07734968404.

Seasonal Events

Our children and families team run a variety of annual events throughout the year. For example… Easter activities, our summer Holiday Club, a Light Party, Christingle service, Nativity services, Christmas parties and more!

There is also a Brownies group which runs on a Thursday night during the school season.

Please see our social media channels and the bulletin for further information.