Youth and Young Adults

Developing roots and growing vines

“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity”

– 1 Timothy 4v12 –


What is our Youth and YA Ministry?

Our team of staff and volunteers who make everything youth and young adults function have got a passion for seeing those in this age bracket deepen their spiritual roots into nutritious soil, whether through house groups or a Sunday morning, and from there grow tall, fruitful vines that are released into wherever God has placed them. We love seeing our youth and young adults get their hands dirty by helping cultivate the soil for those younger than them which is why we encourage them all to be involved in some form of ministry.

We have such a wide range of things for people in this age range to get involved with. Whether it is coming along on a Sunday morning or getting involved with a housegroup, we would encourage all our young people to grasp each opportunity with both hands, allowing God to mould them in their time there.


We have a Youth and Young Adult home group for every age bracket. This is a time where they can come together in a smaller group, form lasting friendships and most importantly dedicate time to exploring God’s word.

These home groups often form the foundation of a young person’s faith journey in such crucial years. We hope that through this they will develop a strong support network of Christians their age as well as having a group to be able to turn to with any of life’s big questions!

Sunday 10:30am KBC

Each week we gather and spend time looking at key themes, topics or characters within the Bible.

We will spend time in fellowship, praying together, learning more about the Bible and discussing how it applies to us today.


World Mission. We are hearing from guest speakers each week, they are sharing their experiences of living and severing around the world. We hear how God has provided for them and how they have seen God work, even in places where living for Jesus is a dangerous choice.

Scripture Union Group

Wednesday Lunch Time at Lenzie Academy 

Tuesday Lunch Time at Kirkintilloch High School

Come with your packed lunch, enjoy time with friends and engaging in a short Bible study each week.

This is a time to meet other Christians or those who are curious about the Christian faith. Anyone who wants to learn more about Jesus and what it means to live as Christian today.

Our short time together is a safe space to ask questions and explore the Christian faith together. While also enjoying additional snacks and games.

We would love to see you there!

Resources to help you to read the Bible in an easier language and more visual way.

  • Reading plans
  • Short Videos
  • Articles
  • Podcast

Such a verity of helpful resources to make reading the Bible and understanding it much easier!

If you enjoy reading and need something new, have a look at the youth section!

Handling emotions can be hard for anyone at times but this can give you come Bible based tips!

If you like the idea of a challenge, why not try and read the entire Bible in 1 year!

This reading plans breaks the Bible down into daily reads that allows you to methodically work your way through it.

If you have any queries or want to know more about something you’ve seen, please reach out!

Youth Worker: